18 May 2015

1-10V Control Grid Dimmers from VARILIGHT

Varilight's grid dimmer switch offer continues to grow with the addition of F-series dimmers for high frequency ballasts or LED drivers requiring 1-10V control.

Each dimmer is designed to work with one or multiple ballasts / drivers up to 20mA. The mains switch is rated at 6A.

In the Varilight PowerGrid range these dimmers are available in white (GFP1M1W) and black plastic (GFP1M1B) as well as brushed steel (GFP1M1S) and polished chrome (GFP1M1C) decorative finishes.

A multi-grid option in white (GFP1M1W.MG) is also available which is compatible with MK, GET and Crabtree grid systems.

In addition to grid variants, F-series 1-10V control dimmers are also available across all the Varilight finishes. In the classic white plastic range the part code is FQP1M1W.
